Make Money When You Refer a New BlueTrace Customer
The BlueTrace referral program pays YOU to share who we are and what we're up to your networks of folks in the seafood industry. When they buy something from us you get paid.We get to help new seafood customers grow their businesses, and YOU get cash in YOUR pocket -win win.
How Much Can You Make?
For a Meeting
For a Printer
For a printer + software
The BlueTrace referral program tracks and pays our referrals automatically.
You don't need to track or remember anything (other than to share your unique link). The people you share your link with, will just fill out a simple name-and-email form, BlueTrace will get in contact and then automatically track what meetings and deals close so we can get you paid.
Get your Link
Sign up above with your email to get your unique referral link in about 2 seconds.
Share Your Link
Share your link with fellow shellfish farmers, seafood operators and workers. ANYONE cant get paid.
Close a Deal
When someone signs up with your link, we automatically track their meetings, deals, etc. with us.
Get paid
When a meeting happens or a deal closes, you (not your company) get paid in cash or gift cards.